Controls -

WASD - Move

E - Interact / Skip text

Left Click - Attack (w/ crowbar)
Your bedroom is the one with cloud carpet! You have to sleep to skip to the next day!!! We forgot to put in a tutorial ;P

Welcome to the HMS Reunion, where people from all roads of life come to travel, relax, and live life in the stars.

You are the ship's meteorologist, tasked with studying the weather that the ship will travel through, and detecting any immediate threats. 

One day, you discover a lethal meteor storm, threatening to destroy the ship and everyone in it, in three short days. The issue? There are only 4 escape pods currently operational, and over 100 passengers.

You must spend the days choosing who to tell about the incoming crisis, and after that, who to save. 

Meet many of the ships personalities, gaining their trust, and finding out what they all have to live for.

Just make sure that there's a space left for YOU.


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(3 edits)

Mac os 14.4.1
Black screen after intro cutscene
Will try running on windows